I uploaded another image to imgur where you can check the difference between the 3d generated and the handdrawn map on the wiki. Since these two maps are directly add odds with each other in certain areas I had to pick one of the two and settled for the one generated straight from the 3d mesh. While the one on the wiki seems to be handdrawn and doesn't include any dimensions the one I used was rendered straight from the game's geometry and has clear dimension markers both in terms of depth as well as lenght. edit1: The reason why I didn't use the map on the WIki is because I can't reconstruct how this map was generated and it seems a lot less precise than the map I used. If you are a potential buyer and need a comparison that is true to scale you might have a look before dropping 30$ on a game that is substantially smaller in scope than the original which ironically cost less. I compiled my findings into an image and attached it via imgur link. I knew it was smaller than in the base game but when I found out how small the map actually is I was a bit underwhelmed. What really happened to your sister? Who were the aliens who came here before? Why were they on this planet? Can we find solace from grief in truth? Below Zero extends the story of the Subnautica universe, diving deep into the mystery introduced in the original game.Since the release of Below Zero is getting closer (it's a Christmas miracle!) I decided to do some research how big the map is compared to the original. Craft a toasty cold suit, sip on piping hot coffee, and warm up next to Thermal Lilies to stave off the chill. New weather conditions blanket above-ground habitats. The below zero temperatures of this arctic region pose a new threat. Not all creatures in this strange world are friendly! Swim through the giant Titan Holefish, encounter the haunting Shadow Leviathan, and visit the adorable Pengwings. Something undiscovered lurks around every corner. Cruise through enchanting and perilous biomes in your modular Seatruck.

Blast across the snowy tundra on a Snowfox hoverbike. Survive the harsh climate by constructing extensive habitats, scavenging for resources, and crafting equipment. Below Zero presents entirely new environments for you to survive, study, and explore. Maneuver between erupting Thermal Vents to discover ancient alien artifacts. Clamber up snow covered peaks and venture into the icy caves of Glacial Basin. Become mesmerized by the glittering, mammoth crystals of the Crystal Caverns. Swim beneath the blue-lit, arching expanses of Twisty Bridges. With limited resources, you must improvise to survive on your own. What happened to the scientists who lived and worked here? Logs, items, and databanks scattered among the debris paint a new picture of the incident. Abandoned research stations dot the region. Arriving with little more than your wits and some survival equipment, you set out to investigate what happened to your sister.Īlterra left in a hurry after a mysterious incident. Submerge yourself in an all-new, sub-zero expedition in an arctic region of Planet 4546B.

It is a new chapter in the Subnautica universe, and is developed by Unknown Worlds. Below Zero is an underwater adventure game set on an alien ocean world.