The purpose of this paper is to explore what thinking with a philosophy of ‘becoming’ might produce in terms of conceptualising Learning for Sustainability (LfS), a recent development in Scottish educational policy. This volume will provide a vital reference text for educational researchers and scholars interested in this burgeoning area of theoretically informed methodology and methodologically informed theory. It demonstrates new forms of feminist ethics and response-ability in research practices, and offers some coherence to this new area of research. The generative questions for this collection are: what if we locate education in doing and becoming rather than being? And, how does associating education with matter, multiplicity and relationality change how we think about agency, ontology and epistemology? This collection foregrounds cutting-edge educational research that works to trouble the binaries between theory and methodology. This edited collection is a careful assemblage of papers that have contributed to the maturing field within education studies that works with the feminist implications of the theories and methodologies of posthumanism and new materialism-what we have also called elsewhere 'PhEmaterialism'. The pedagogic implications of this posthuman diagnosis are discussed. Part Two offers an example from my previous post-qualitative PhD inquiry which – by manipulating the practices of psychogeography and schizocartography – highlights how a shopping centre assemblage called Liverpool ONE diagnosed itself with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), thus reinforcing the notion of inorganic agential distribution. I explore what a posthuman gaze might do to/for performative pedagogies as my students attempt to interview a building. Part One examples a radical mobile classroom that I undertake regularly with university students where the use of it-narratives exposes the distributed agency of buildings. And if cognitive and dermatological boundaries are no longer organ-ised by an Enlightenment prescription, how might pedagogies perform differently and more equitably? This article draws on the empirical materials from two psychogeographic walks that agitate lithic spaces with a posthuman affection. If agency is reworked into an ‘enactment’ as opposed to something that is ‘held’, conceivably humans and other biological organisms are not necessary for agency (or life) to emerge as inorganic material agency erupts from unchoreographed assemblages of spacetimematter(ing). Thinking with a posthuman partiality, we begin to witness a democracy of objects rather than an anthropocentric dictatorship over inorganic materials. Rivers have established the same legal rights as humans in New Zealand and India, stones have been reported slithering across the desert floor in California, an electrical power grid in the USA has revealed a unique agential dexterity and walls have been spotted walking over mountains in the UK’s Lake District. Freed from limiting notions of agency, things behave. On day 16, ring the call bell so Verona can come in, then go to The Swinside Stone Circle on L9 and give the elixir to the cultists.Thinking posthumanly – from a post-Enlightenment, critical, new materialist perspective – things, including concepts, become more permeable and topological – they leak and stretch.Give Dead Man's Fingers to the woman in the jade mask on day 15.Brew the Dendrew's Elixir using Bishop's Parasol, Pennybell, and Witch Phygg.On day 12, kill Forest Vair by giving him Lesser Merrydock, so Ennis gives you the recipe for the Dendrew's Elixir.Join the cult by going to Sadgill and placing St.However, the bond is too strong, and the woman commands the Servant to kill all the cultists. In this ending, you will go to Swinside Stone Circle to help the cultist release the Servant from its bond with the woman in the jade mask. On day 16, ring the call bell so Verona can come in, then go to The Daughters' Stone Circle (A25) and give the Elixir of Control to Faye.Give Widow's Woe to the woman in the jade mask on day 15.Brew the Elixir of Control using: Solomon's Sceptre, Witch Phygg, and Farmer's Worry.Give Simone the Lisle of Neptune plant, so she'll give you the recipe for the Elixir of Control.These are the conditions to get Ending VII: